

全米研究評議会(NRC)の89年の報告書Improving Risk Communicationより引用:『民主主義における他のコミュニケーションの場合のように、リスクコミュニケーションの参加者の意図は時に政治的である。』(続

続)『すなわち、リスクについてのメッセージは、時にそれらを伝えられる人々の信条や行動に影響を与えることが意図される。リスクコミュニケーションは、有害物やリスクを含む意思決定、すなわちリスク管理の筋道の中で理解されねばならない。』 ←当然これは相互的・互酬的な関係を前提にしたもの。



As with other communication in a democracy, the intent of hte participants in risk communication is sometimes political. That is, messages about risk are sometimes intended to influence the beliefs or actions of those to whom they are adressed. Risk communication, then, must be understood in the context of decision making involving hazards and risks, that is, risk management. Communication about risk deserves special because the highly technical nature of the subject matter makes it more difficult than communication about other controversial issues. Risk decision makers, including individuals managing personal hazards and participating in public decisions, need to seek and interpret complex technical information from scientific disciplines in which they have not been trained. They must communicatte with, and to some extent rely upon, the experts who generate that information. Because the attendant choices are controversial, affecting important economic interests and strongly held values, participants in the decision process, including experts and their employers, have incentives to appeal to emotions, distort facts, and otherwise use communication to influence the ultimate choice in the directions they desire. Thus there are no participants in debates on technological issues on whom nonexperts and public offcials can rely unquestioningly for unbiased information. *1


*1:Committee on Risk Perception and Communication, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education,Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council, Improving risk communication, Washington, D.C., 1989 http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309039436, pp. 22f.